Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World
by Rev. Eve Wilson
It helps people trust and engage positively in ways that support their ascension into unity with Higher Self and the co-creation of a better life and the new world. Find out more and get a copy at www.evewilson-ridingthewave.com and www.spiritualhealers.com. Also available on www.amazon.com. Author — Rev. Eve Wilson is a leader in World Healing & Ascension, writes the international award-winning Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog and is UCM’s first Certified Master Healer.

by Ayleen Augustine
Frequencies is a journey beyond the illusion of the singular self and into the realm of infinite possibilities. Both science and spirituality define each of us as an energetic field. Each field has its own frequency. By first recognizing our own frequency, we can then learn to find balance within ourselves and find resonance with other frequencies…be they found in nature or in each other. It allows us to walk between our worlds, tapping into a state of balance and harmony whatever our circumstances or experiences.
What is shared in this book chronicles true events that happened on weekend at a beach in Santa Cruz, CA when Dr. Ayleen connected with a consciousness that forever changed her perceptions of her place in and connection to the Universe. Having no need for a name (they believe that to name is to limit), she have called them simply…”The We”.
You can order a copy of the paperback, for $9.99 or the Kindle version for $2.99, via the Fastpencil link above.
If you would like a signed copy of the paperback, you can receive one by contacting me directly at dr.ayleen42@gmail.com.

Experiential Action Methods and Tools for Healing Grief and Loss-Related Trauma
by Dr. Janet Childs
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Introduces innovative psychodramatic and creative expression methods for helping those affected by bereavement and trauma.
Each section focuses on a particular acute or secondary grief issue, providing supportive and explanatory material that can be given to clients and experiential action methods for providers. Real-world vignettes and psychodrama tools delineate a unique approach to unlocking and shifting entrenched perspectives related to persistent grief and loss-related trauma, with chapters organized for practical use and application by counselors and therapists. The book also includes critical incident stress training material specifically for first responders, a frequently overlooked population.
The practical guidance offered in this book will be of great interest to all who work with grief and trauma, including practicing and trainee psychologists and therapists, counseling centers, hospice organizations, bereavement support programs, and ministers.

The Rainbow's Daughter
by Lynn Rogers
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Introduces innovative psychodramatic and creative expression methods for helping those affected by bereavement and trauma.
Each section focuses on a particular acute or secondary grief issue, providing supportive and explanatory material that can be given to clients and experiential action methods for providers. Real-world vignettes and psychodrama tools delineate a unique approach to unlocking and shifting entrenched perspectives related to persistent grief and loss-related trauma, with chapters organized for practical use and application by counselors and therapists. The book also includes critical incident stress training material specifically for first responders, a frequently overlooked population.
The practical guidance offered in this book will be of great interest to all who work with grief and trauma, including practicing and trainee psychologists and therapists, counseling centers, hospice organizations, bereavement support programs, and ministers.

Edgar Cayce and the Eternal Feminine
by Lynn Rogers
Rogers explores the Eternal Feminine and Edgar Cayce. From Creation Myths, Twin Souls, and Goddess practices; Rogers offers insight into the causes of oppression of women in search of gender justice. Rogers presents the Circle of Light Ritual and interviews engaged in The Work. This book is a shining star.

Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras
by Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
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Eye of the Lotus is a ‘must have’ book in understanding how our chakras each have intuitive abilities that shape our perspectives and perceptions of reality. Dr. Jelusich’s theory of Dominant Chakras is explained, and each chakra presented as to its abilities that affect the whole human being. Included is a huge appendix of tools and exercises to safely awaken the chakras. This book is used as a reference for the chakras in higher education. www.lightnews.org

I Can Relate: How we intuitively choose the people in our lives
by Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
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The chakras each have a different form of active intuition, and shape our perceptions of reality. This follow-on book to Eye of the Lotus reveals how and why we have the relationships we do, based on Dr. Jelusich’s Dominant Chakra theory. Included is a check-list so readers can discern their dominant chakra and characteristics for a more empowered life! www.lightnews.org

Crystal Bowls of Tibet (CD)
by Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
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Using special 3D recording techniques, you are immersed in a soothing, healing sound bath of the pure tones of crystal bowls! The listener is positioned in the center of a circle of crystal bowls, played separately and together to create a sonic session of healing.

Source Dialogues: The Miracle Mechanism of Manifestation
by Gary Springfield
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What if you could communicate directly with the Source of all the wisdom, energy and love in the universe? Gary Springfield has done just that, and in this book shares 54 channeled dialogues with Source. Source reveals the lost knowledge of how to activate the crystalline prism known as the Star Tetrahedron, with the power to create harmony, peace, abundance and universal love for you and all of life. These dialogues will guide you on a spiritual journey that reveals the step-by-step process to balance and align the emotional and physical bodies, which ignites the Divine Mind of the Higher Being you already are. This is the secret revelation of the Christ Matrix, not a person, but the mechanism of all creation in the universe. All life emanates from Source/God … You are the Divine … now awakening within your bodily form to experience the love and joy of effortless creation on Earth.
Beyond this revelation of joy, Source has a serious message for humanity. The sustainability of life on our planet is in jeopardy, and the current relationship between humankind and earth cannot continue.
Source warns:
“When Earth has less than 65 percent forest, there is a mechanism, like a clock, that knows it is time for the next stage of evolution. Now is the time when each person must choose the future.”