President’s Welcome
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope that we can assist you in finding your spiritual path in this lifetime. Of course, there may be more than one path.
UCM has a storied history since 1908, the year of our inception. We have worked very hard to keep UCM a safe place for those who believe differently than mainstream religion, as I do.
I became President of UCM in 2021 and am focused on updating and creating new ways of communicating with our members and the world.
It is important to me personally and professionally that we accept everyone for who they are and treat all fairly, justly and compassionately. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, we can offer you a place to be, someone to listen to your beliefs without judgment, and support in these times of extremism.
We know we cannot fix everything for you. We understand it is for each individual to do their own healing and spiritual work. However, we can guide and support you on the path you decide to follow.
The following excerpt from A New Text of Spiritual Philosophy and Religion written by one of our former Presidents (B.J. Fitzgerald DD) in 1952 demonstrates that UCM was and is ahead of its time in the belief that there is more than one way.
“(UCM) has always expressed itself on a platform of acceptance of Truth; from whatsoever source it may be manifested. Its Ministers and Members are not bound to subscribe to any Beliefs, Creeds or dogmas, the Governing Board of the church being in accord – that any obligation to a man-made standard of doctrine would restrict the individual and not permit the free exercise of reasoning for those on the Path of searching for Truth of Spiritual and/or Psychic Science or the practice thereof.”
Another example of UCM’s innovation is this footnote, written in 1952:
“*Ed. The terms “he/his/him and man” are used throughout this text. They are not intended to appear gender-specific, but are merely generic words. Please consider this and substitute “her/hers/she or woman” wherever applicable.”
This is what drew me to UCM after years of searching and looking for a place where I would be accepted for who I am as an Energy Worker, Channel and a Medium with Stones. That’s why I fight so hard for spiritual workers, and for the freedom of everyone to create their own spiritual path.
Please check out the website and let us have a conversation about your spiritual path. We may be a fit for you. Let us help you find a place where you belong. In today’s world of hostility and negativity, it is UCM’s position to listen with an open mind and open heart. We are here to help you help others.

Corry Gott
UCM President at Your Service