UCM believes in the power of focused intention and prayer as a form of support and comfort. The nature of the need is not important…simply that a need exists. We invite you to reach out and let us know what your needs are and what intervention you wish, for yourself, another, or a cause.

We are happy to take all your prayer requests via the form provided on this page. Each prayer will be put in our sacred clay prayer bowl and, with permission, the request can be sent via our Prayer Requests email to our members who then include the request in their prayer work.

Include in your request the following information in brief:

1) Relationship to the person (ie “I would like you to pray for my sister.”)

2) The reason you want us to pray for them (ie “She is having a hip operation Monday.”) You can also have us simply pray for anyone’s highest good.

Please Note: We are honored to bear witness to and offer prayer for those facing challenging times who need support. While we realize that sometimes those challenges are based in frustration over political or other controversial or polarizing events, as a church we are required to maintain a level of neutrality. Please refrain from requests that focus on specific political or cultural opinions that divide us rather than bring us together. As we often express, we seek the best and highest good for all concerned…and we trust that Creator (however we envision them) will lovingly intercede in the manner that serves not only what we need but also ultimately serves the highest good of all humanity.

To have your prayer request entered in the Prayer Bowl*, use the form below.

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Prayer Bowl

Our sacred clay prayer bowl was donated to UCM several years ago by Reverends Tom and Mary Garry. It was created by the skilled potter, Tom Krempa of Snohomish, WA., who had offered to create a vessel to serve as a depository for prayer requests and healing intentions.

Spirit was invited, through prayer and meditation, to join in creating the prayer bowl. The names of God, the angelic kingdom, saints, prophets, and avatars, including all other beings of enlightenment, named or unnamed, were written on the thinnest paper, torn in separate pieces, and fired with the clay into the pot.

We believe repeated use of sacred spaces and sacred intentions have frequently shown wonderful results. Spirit told us, ‘Intentions placed in the bowl will receive prayerful attention, from the faithful on both sides of the veil, as long as the need exists.’