Reverend Roger Corless created the UCM logo to symbolize the co-inherence of the Earth’s religions.
This video reveals the unfolding of the symbol from source. Enjoy!

We begin with a single Point which represents Source.

Around the Point we draw a circle symbolizing Infinity and Perfection. It also represents a mirror, which is an important symbol in Shinto.

We then add two lines crossing representing the Four Directions.

Now we add two more diameters, producing the Eight- Spoked Dharma chakra of Buddhism.

Next we add a semi-circle at the top of the cross- piece to produce the Labarum (Chi Rho) of Christianity.

As we continue the curve to add a semi-circle at the bottom of the crosspiece we produce the Taiji Tu or Yin Yang symbol of Chinese religion.

By adding a similar curve in the opposite direction we create the Goddess symbol and the symbol for Infinity and a schematic representation of an atom, both of which are symbols of Science.

Then, by adding two intersecting triangles, we produce the Mogen David of Judaism and the Shri Yantra of Hinduism.

By adding mirror-image arcs we produce a chalice, representing Wicca or the Holy Grail.

When the flame is seen to emerge from a container on a stand, it produces a symbol of Zoroastrianism.

You can also see a flame emerging from the chalice producing the symbol of Unitarian Universalism.

The mirror image arcs on either side of the oval produce a lotus, an important symbol in Indian religions and the form of a famous Baha’i temple. The same symbol can be seen as a schematic representation of the Nishan Sahib of Sikhism.

One of the arcs represents the Crescent of Islam.

The Circle, with a central point and multiple spokes, schematically represents the 1000 Spoke Wheel- an important symbol in Jainism.

Awen The Celtic Symbol, The 3 lines represent rays of light. The 3 circles represent creation. The number 3 is sacred in Celtic Culture.

This design symbolizes the co-existence of the Earth’s religions, all contained within this single globe.