Universal Church of the Masters is an eclectic community of faiths and belief systems founded to honor and safeguard spiritual autonomy and offer legal protection to member spiritual practitioners.
Our doors are wide open for all of humanity to enter and explore. All are encouraged to make use of the wisdom and clarity that flows from Infinite Source.
We believe in the Divine Consciousness and the innate grace of humanity, and all that occurs within the realms of nature, both physical and spiritual, are expressions of this Divine Consciousness.
The potential of the human spirit is infinite and not limited to the restrictions of the physical world, including the transitional experience called “death.”
We hold that HEALING is a human right and a sacred journey, is expressed through mind, body, soul, and spirit, and extends to all of creation.
As spiritual beings, we are each connected to the wisdom of all of Creation, and are capable of accessing that WISDOM, PROPHECY (DIVINATION) AND HEALING for our own illumination and that of others.
We recognize HEALING and PROPHECY (DIVINATION) as true ministries that are accepted and documented as effective treatments for many physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.
We embrace the humanitarian ideals of COMPASSION, ACCEPTANCE and INCLUSION, built on a foundation of FREEDOM OF FAITH.
This path of faith is discovered by each person seeking to understand their unique relationship to spirituality as they define it, and to live in harmony with it.
Happiness and health flow when we stay true to that relationship.
The Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) is the essence of self-responsibility and spiritual awareness.